Ashmore Wealth Management Has Cut Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTSH) Stake; Juno Lighting (JUNO) Sentiment Is 1.04
August 11, 2017 - By wolcottdaily
Ashmore Wealth Management Llc decreased Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (CTSH) stake by 3.32% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Ashmore Wealth Management Llc sold 53,136 shares as Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (CTSH)’s stock rose 12.87%. The Ashmore Wealth Management Llc holds 1.55 million shares with $86.77 million value, down from 1.60 million last quarter. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp now has $41.68B valuation. The stock rose 0.80% or $0.56 reaching $70.57. About 2.09M shares traded. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) has risen 5.50% since August 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 11.20% the S&P500.
Juno Therapeutics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company, which is focused on developing cellular immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer. The company has market cap of $3.03 billion. The Firm is developing cell cancer immunotherapies based on its chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) and T cell receptor (TCR) technologies to genetically engineer T cells to recognize and kill cancer cells. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s product candidates JCAR017, JCAR014, and JCAR015, as well as an additional early stage product candidate incorporating a fully human binding domain, leverage CAR technology to target CD19, a protein expressed on the surface of almost all B cell leukemias and lymphomas.
About 452,769 shares traded. Juno Therapeutics Inc (JUNO) has declined 39.85% since August 11, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 56.55% the S&P500.
Sib Llc holds 1.52% of its portfolio in Juno Therapeutics Inc for 100,000 shares. Bb Biotech Ag owns 1.87 million shares or 1.31% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Clearline Capital Lp has 0.99% invested in the company for 116,200 shares. The United Kingdom-based Baillie Gifford & Co has invested 0.34% in the stock. Spark Investment Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 181,600 shares.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.89 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.04, from 0.93 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 82 investors sold CTSH shares while 305 reduced holdings. 103 funds opened positions while 243 raised stakes. 513.54 million shares or 2.92% more from 498.98 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Cwm Ltd Limited Liability Company has 1,409 shares for 0% of their portfolio. New York State Teachers Retirement reported 1.03 million shares. Oak Assocs Limited Oh reported 1.37% stake. Moreover, Dearborn Prns Limited Com has 0.16% invested in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH). Sg Americas Securities invested 0.07% of its portfolio in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH). Timber Hill Ltd Llc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) for 21,310 shares. Profund Advsrs Ltd Liability Corporation has invested 0.12% in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH). Davidson Garrard owns 76,211 shares for 1.06% of their portfolio. Amf Pensionsforsakring has invested 0.47% in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH). Integral Derivatives Ltd holds 0.01% or 6,711 shares in its portfolio. Etrade Mngmt accumulated 42,850 shares. Cim Ltd Company owns 151,922 shares. Norinchukin Natl Bank The owns 36,805 shares. Manning Napier Ltd Liability Corp stated it has 0.09% in Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH). Balyasny Asset Mgmt Ltd Com, Illinois-based fund reported 464,807 shares.
Among 26 analysts covering Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:CTSH), 17 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 65% are positive. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. had 50 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Tuesday, August 8 the stock rating was upgraded by Berenberg to “Buy”. As per Thursday, August 3, the company rating was maintained by Oppenheimer. On Friday, October 16 the stock rating was initiated by Cantor Fitzgerald with “Buy”. The stock has “Buy” rating by Societe Generale on Monday, September 26. BMO Capital Markets maintained Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) rating on Thursday, August 6. BMO Capital Markets has “Outperform” rating and $74 target. The company was initiated on Thursday, September 10 by Suntrust Robinson. The firm has “Buy” rating by Needham given on Tuesday, November 8. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Tuesday, August 11 by Argus Research. The firm has “Buy” rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Thursday, August 3. Cowen & Co maintained Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) rating on Friday, July 28. Cowen & Co has “Buy” rating and $7500 target.
Since February 23, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 23 sales for $9.31 million activity. $242,352 worth of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) was sold by CHINTAMANENI RAMAKRISHNA PRASAD on Tuesday, May 23. Shares for $412,978 were sold by KRISHNASWAMY VENKAT. 3,069 shares valued at $199,485 were sold by Veeraraghavachary Srinivasan on Tuesday, May 16. Middleton Sean also sold $117,180 worth of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) on Friday, May 5. CHATTERJEE DEBASHIS sold $46,230 worth of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) on Thursday, May 25. The insider SINHA DHARMENDRA KUMAR sold 9,253 shares worth $601,445. 10,000 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (NASDAQ:CTSH) shares with value of $674,365 were sold by Kandiah Gajakarnan Vibushanan.
By wolcottdaily
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Systal Technology Solutions announces partnership with Paessler AG
Systal Technology Solutions has announced a partnership with Paessler AG to add the firm’s PRTG Network Monitor product to its service portfolio.
PRTG proactively highlights infrastructure faults and capacity issues while providing historical analysis of performance trends across LANs, WANs, servers, websites, applications and more. As such, it enables organisations to spot problems before they cause network outages.
Systal is the only official partner in Scotland.
PRTG Network Monitor works by deploying a series of detailed probes across an organisation’s network, granting a team of engineers real-time visibility into the performance of a wide range of devices and systems. This data is displayed simply and effectively to all parties, even in highly complex IT environments. The information generated is used to optimise connections and reduce costs associated with outages, by allowing problems to be identified and fixed before they escalate.
Systal specialises in enterprise managed network services and has a UK-based network operations centre, providing round-the-clock IT Infrastructure support to some of the country’s leading energy providers, mobile phone operators and other large-scale organisations.
PRTG will be used to further improve Systal’s managed network services, enhancing the information and insight available to engineers.
Kevin Hexley, Network & Infrastructure Architect at Systal Technology Solutions, said: “We’re looking forward to working with Paessler AG and incorporating PRTG into our existing services portfolio.
“Ensuring our customers have access to the best technologies is at the core of our managed service offering.
“We have been able to reduce the occurrence of Priority 1 incidents across customer networks by 90%, and tools such as PRTG play a big part in helping us to achieve and sustain this.”
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